A Sample of Research Publications by Members of the Haskins Global Literacy Hub

Brice, H., Frost, S., Bicka, A.S., Molfese, P.J., Rueckl, J., Pugh, K.R., & Frost, R. (2021).
Tracking second language immersion across time: Evidence from a bi-directional longitudinal cross-linguistic fMRI study. Neuropsychologia, April 16; 154: 107796. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia. 2021.107796.

Edwards, A.A., Steacy, L.M., Seigelman, N., Rigobon, V.M., Kearns, D.M., Rueckl, J.G., & Compton , D.L. (2021). Unpacking the Unique Relationship Between Set for Variability and Word Reading Development: Examining Word- and Child-Level Predictors of Performance . Journal of Educational Psychology DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1037/edu0000696

Hossain, B., Chen, Y., Bent, S., Parenteau, C., Widjaja, F., · Haft, S.L., Hoeft, F., & Hendren, R.L. (2022). The role of grit and resilience in children with reading disorder: a longitudinal cohort study. Annals of Dyslexia 72:1–27 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11881-021-00238-w

Jangrawa, D.C., Landi, N., Sun, H., Hoeft, F., Chen, G., Pugh, K. R., & Molfese, P.J. (2023). Inter-subject correlation during long narratives reveals widespread neural correlates of reading ability. NeuroImage, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.

Lasnick ,O.H.M. & Hoeft, F. (2024) Sensory temporal sampling in time: An integrated model of the TSF and neural noise hypothesis as an etiological pathway for dyslexia. Frontiers in. Human. Neuroscience. 17:1294941. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2023.1294941

Perdue, M.V., Mahaffy, K., Vlahcevic, K., Wolfman, E., Erbeli, F., Richlan, F., & Landi, N. (2022). Reading intervention and neuroplasticity: A systematic review and meta-analysis of brain changes associated with reading intervention. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 132, 465-494. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neubiorev.2021.11.011.

Landi, N., Kleinman, D., Agrawal, V., Ashton, G., Coyne‐Green, A., Roberts, P.,Blair, N., Russell, J., Stutzman, A., Scorrano, D., Frazier, N., Pugh, K.R., & Hoeft, F. (2022).
Researcher–practitioner partnerships and in‐school laboratories facilitate translational research in reading. Journal of Research in Reading, 45 (3), 367-384

Malins J.G,, Landi N.,  Ryherd K, Frijters, J.C., Magnuson, Rueckl, J., Pugh, K.R., Sevcik, R., & Morris, R. (2021). Is that a pibu or a pibo? Children with reading and language deficits show difficulties in learning and overnight consolidation of phonologically similar pseudowords. Developmental Science, 24:e13023
. https://doi.org/10.1111/desc.13023

Lovett, M.W., Frijters, J.C., Steinbach, K.A., Sevcik, R.A., & Morris, R.D. (2021). Effective intervention for adolescents with reading disabilities: Combining reading and motivational remediation to improve outcomes. Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol. 113, No. 4, 656-689. doi.org/10.1037/edu0000639

Siegelman, N., Rueckl, J.G., van den Bunt, M., Frijters, J.C., Lovett, M.W., Seidenberg, M.S., Pugh, K.R., & Morris, R.D. (2022). How you read affects what you gain: Individual differences in the functional organization of the reading system predict response to intervention in children with reading disabilities. Journal of Educational Psychology, 2022, 114(4), 855–869. https://doi.org/10.1037/edu0000672.

Kearns, D.M. and Cooper Borkenhagen, M.J. (2024), Following the Rules in an Unruly Writing System: The Cognitive Science of Learning to Read English. The Reading Teacher, 77: 712-726. https://doi.org/10.1002/trtr.2299.

Seidenberg, M.S., Cooper Borkenhagen, M., & Kearns, D.M. (2020). Lost in translation?
Challenges in connecting reading science and educational practice. Reading Research Quarterly, 55(S1), S119–S130 | doi:10.1002/rrq.341

Steacy, L.M., Edwards, A.A., Rigobon, V.M., Gutierrez, N., Marencin, N.C., Siegelman, N., Himelhoch, A., Himelhoch, C., Rueckl. J., & Compton, D.L. (2023). Set for Variability as a critical predictor of word reading: Potential implications for early identification and treatment of dyslexia. Reading Research Quarterly, 58(2): 254–267. doi:10.1002/rrq.475.

Stein, B., Hoeft, F., & Richter, C.G. (2024) Stress, resilience, and emotional well-being in children and adolescents with specific learning disabilities. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 2024, 58:101410

Kearns, D. M., Walker, M. A., Borges, J., & Duffy, M. (2024). Can reading practitioners and researchers improve intensive reading support systems in a large
urban school system? Journal of Research in Reading, 45(3), 488–516.

Jasińska KK, Shuai L, Lau ANL, Frost S, Landi N, & Pugh KR. (2021). Functional connectivity in the developing language network in 4-year-old children predicts future reading ability. Developmental Science, Mar;24(2):e13041. doi: 10.1111/desc.13041. Epub 2020 Oct 28. PMID: 33032375; PMCID: PMC8186432.

Lyytinen, H.J., Semrud-Clikeman, M, Li, H, Pugh, K.R. &Richardson U (2021) Supporting Acquisition of Spelling Skills in Different Orthographies Using an Empirically Validated Digital Learning Environment. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:566220. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.566220

Koyama, M.S. Molfese, P.J., Milham, M.P., Mencl, W.E., & Pugh, K.R. (2020). Thalamus is a common locus of reading, arithmetic, and IQ: Analysis of local intrinsic functional properties. Brain and Language, October; 209: 104835. doi:10.1016/j.bandl.2020.104835.

Kearns, D.M., Lyon, C.P., & Pollack, M.P. (2021). Teaching world and word knowledge to access content-Aaea texts in co-taught classrooms. Intervention in School and Clinic, Vol. 56(4) 208–216.

Washington, J.A., & Seidenberg, M.S, (2021). Teaching reading to African American children: When home and school language differ. American Educator, Summer 2021. 26-40.

Lovett, M.W., Frijters, J.C., Steinbach, K.A., Wolf, M., Sevcik, R.A., & Morris, R.D. (2017) Early intervention for children at risk for reading disability: The impact of grade at intervention and individual differences on intervention outcomes. Journal of Educational Psychology, 2017, 109, 889-914.

Panda, E.J., Woehrle, T., Frijters, J.C., Moules, R., Zolis, S., Edwards, E., Steinbach, K.A., De Palma, M., & Lovett, M.W. (2024). Empowering school boards to implement research-based reading remediation in their schools delivers long-lasting improvements to students’ reading trajectories. Journal of Learning Disabilities, in press.